We work with 400+ tech companies, from high-tech startups to global enterprises.

OnTarget is a full-service documentation provider. We offer documentation and writing services, placement of contract writers, recruitment of full-time employees, and training services.

We work tirelessly to get the job done right, whether it’s a complex documentation project or finding the right person for the job.


Justine Kornel



Interns receive 17 working days of training (spread over three weeks) prior to starting work at the client site.

Keeping your Work Organized: Use OneNote to track your documentation tasks, gather and process source materials.

Microsoft Word for Technical Writers: Use of templates, styles, captions, automated references, comments, track changes, and more.

Proofreading/Editing: Common errors, checking work, and more.

Technical Writing: Document types, gathering and organizing information, writing procedures, incorporating graphics, and generating PDFs.

UX Writing: Technical vs marketing vs UX writing, tone and voice, copywriting and microcopy within the product, UX writing samples, UX writing tips and tricks.

Online Helps: Topic-based XML authoring using Madcap Flare, including source control.

Videos: Create how-to videos using Camtasia.

APIs: Understand, test, and document APIs.

Fundamentals of Information Technology: Understand hardware, software, virtualization, the cloud, networks, protocols, architectures, and Agile.

Microsoft PowerPoint: Create and edit presentations.

Host-company Specific Training (Optional): Instruction to meet the requirements of the host company, typically FrameMaker, RoboHelp, or structured DITA authoring