With over 550 successful placements around the globe, CQ Global has successfully impacted a wide and diverse range of companies. We pride ourselves on being at the multi-cultural intersection of people and business, locating and delivering the best talents for the best companies.
With the expertise of global recruiting, together with a strong connection to the Israeli startup and Hitech ecosystem, we took the Back2Tech challenge.
- ראם קוראין
- [email protected]
- מנחם בגין 146, תל אביב
- 0523541389
- https://www.cqglobal.co/
Back2Tech is a joint venture between the Israeli innovation authority and CQ Global, which has been active in the area of recruitment for the last 15 years, mainly for Israeli businesses that wish to hire overseas. Back2Tech's mission is to assist Israeli tech professionals who reside overseas seeking to return to Israel to find employment opportunities in Israel's local tech industry.
In the Back2Tech program, we are working closely with hundreds of Israeli companies and connect them with Israeli talents that considering their return to Israel. We managed to bridge the gap of Israeli who are great talents and still not sure what will their next step and opportunities in Israel can be.